Saturday 1 September 2012


Heath ledger in his legendary portrayal as joker once quoted  " what ever doesn't kill you simply makes you stronger".
This quote may have taught us that whatever you do, don't think of the outcome because it will be certainly not the worst.

You might be wondering what this has to do with India and it's economy. The nightmare of economic slowdown India is  passing through are the talks in every corner nowadays specially with the big decision of the government to allow foreign direct investment.The government has been trying from last couple of months to cover it's back by taking one after other big policy decisions, recent changes in the fiscal rates is one of those.
These measures are the results of the goverment going through a policy paralysis during the recent years.
The minister have done everything but not the very basic thing for which they have been elected.

"There is ongoing slowdown globally" are not the new words by which ministers are justifying their inability.They are right though, the world's economy is passing through a slowdown, Europe is it's severe patient, but it can't be denied that the major factors causing slowdown in India are self-inflicted, only a minor being the influence of slowdown going on in other parts of world.

The policy makers of india have failed to improve the physical enviroment, manufacturing sector ,the reform done are only limited to fiscal reforms but basic labor laws , accountability and efficiently of government organization have witnessed no signs of relief.
There is need of frequent measures to be bought in light if we are expect our economy to just progress.

Assuming the GDP growth rate of 9-10% during the current decade seems like a faily tale , now the time time has come when lot is to be done to let the GDP grow even at the avergae of 6-7%, and realise that talking about 9% GDP growth rate is just exaggerating.

India and indians are known for doing what is obvious after trying all the alternatives.So now if  we are done with alternatives ..then lets do the obvious.WE WANT REFORMS.

If our PM and FM somehow manages to get India out of this mess, then may be they can prove Late Heath ledger right " what ever doesn't kill you simply makes you stronger".

Anurag Tripathi