Monday 29 September 2014


This is my way to tell people, being a homosexual isn't a crime, but a hypocrisy in a purest form.
Let me tell you there was a time when i was against it, but then after several encounters and debates w/ it's supporters, i took it upon my self to give it a serious thought, the question for which i was trying to find answers were ..
i) is being homosexual unethical, UN-natural.
ii) is it really a disease, as most people say.
iii) is it offensive to our so called Indian culture.
iv) does homos are more vulnerable to STDs etc

and then it got me thinking, India is one of the most diverse countries in world, comprising every shade of skin, every essence of human expression and every way of human life, then why are we so skeptical about someone being gay or lesbian.
Research says that long before humans became civilized some our forefathers were homos, so obviously it's not UN-natural.
Being homo can only be termed as disease only if the everyday  independent choices we make as per our needs is an ail, and about STDs its a common sense even if heterosexuals perform unsafe sex they can  become vulnerable to STDs as well
Lastly, about the point i mentioned above about terming homosexually as unethical and shutting it in the name of being offensive to Indian culture, we never thought but India is democratic country every person here has a right to choose and do what best for we should leave people to choose what they want, and something about which we should really worry is being corrupt because that is unethical,. killing is unethical, deaths of thousands of Israelis n Jews was unethical,
 Indian media covering modi at madison sqaure garden, and not the deluged  people of meghalya and assam is unethical.

w/ these i would urge you all please LIVE N LET LIVE.
the below poem is a fun, from POV of a lesbian about her love, enjoy

कोने में बंद किसी संदूक सा
तुम्हारी निशानियाँ उठा लाती थी |

देख उठ संदूक को घंटो,
खोलने की सोचती थी
ना जाने कितनी बार की है ये जुर्रत
हर बार पर हिम्मत टूट जाती थी |

डरती थी शायद इसके अंजाम से, 
फुसला इसलिए मन को नहीं पाती थी |

थक चुकी थी मैं खुद को समझा समझा कर,
यादों को तुम्हारी इसलिए , कोई बहाना बता देती थी |

पर बास अब और नहीं ,
अभी नहीं तो फिर कभी नहीं

तोड़ दूंगी आज मैं इस बेबसी को
रंग दूंगी खुद को इस नए रंग में |

अजनबी कर दूंगी अब हर आरज़ू को,
क्यूंकि शौक मुझे तुम्हारा हुआ |

झूम उठूंगी जब भी तेरी धुन बजेगी

बता दूंगी अब सबको नहीं हूँ मैं उनके जैसी
प्यार है मुझे तुमसे अब गा-गा के सुनाउंगी,

क्या हुआ तुम अगर लड़की हो ||


Monday 1 September 2014

"मोहब्बत का अखबार"

हर रोज़ सुबह ताज़ी ख़बरों के साथ आते अखबार की तरह
आज ये हवाएं तम्हारी एक नईं याद ले आयीं

और देखते ही देखते तम्हारा धुंदला सा चेहरा सामने आ गया

अखबार में छपी उन BOLD HEADLINES की तरह
तम्हारी उन गहरी आँखों पे मैं ज़रा ठहर सा गया

EDITORIAL में छपी उन गहरी बातों की तरह ,
अपने अन्दर उठे हुए इस एहसास को समझने की कोशिश करने मैं लग गया

कुछ वक़्त लगा पर OPINION वाले पेज की तरह कुछ कुछ समझ में आ रहा था

धीरे धीरे ही सही पर  PUBLIC FEEDBACK  की तरह
कई सवाल, कुछ जवाब

और कुछ उमीदें उन PAID ADVERTISEMENT जैसी की तम्हारे इस एहसास को
ओझल करने लग्ग गयी

किसी SPORTS PAGE पे छपी उन जीत और हार की ख़बरों की तरह ,

मेरा मन भी खुशी और गम के उस BORDER पे आ खड़ा हुआ था

डर गया था शायद मैं, इस लिए तुरंत
एक पुरे पढ़े हुए अखबार की तरह

आज फिर तम्हारी यादों को यहीं बंद कर रहा हूँ
कल फिर खोलूँगा और महसूस करूँगा इनको

शायद अगले दिन    के अखबार की तरह
कोई नया जवाब लेके , कल फिर ये आ जायें

तम्हारी यादों से भरे हुए उस पिटारे को बंद तो किया

पर तब तक इतना तो  इतना तो sure हो गया था

की ये "मोहब्बत का अखबार" था
ohh sorry ऐतबार था

Friday 25 July 2014

(Part 2) **** कैन्टीन ***

सुबह सुबह का टाइम, सूरज के कहर का वक़्त भी हो ही रहा था
की वो आज फिर सामने आ गयी, और लो भैया हो गया कहर preponed.

तुम लोग भी सोच रहे होगे ना, की हम यूँही फर्जी की बैकैती करते रहते है
अबे तो तुम तारीफ करने को बोले ही नहीं, और जानते तो हो हम कितने shy है

इससे पहले की हम आगे कोई write up लिखे, आज पहले तारीफ़ किये देते है
beauty with brain, से शुरुआत करते है, अरे मतलब खूबसूरती और अकलमंदी|

जैसा की हम हमेशा कहते है की खूबसूरती के कई भाव होते है
जैसे मासूमियत,अकलमंदी,परवाह,सादगी,सैंयम,बचपना,भावुकता,चंचलता..
बस यूँ समझ लो की की वो इन सभी भावो का मिलाजुला संगम है,

और हमारी दिली तम्मना ये है की बस नहाने को मिल जाए इस संगम में,

रोमांटिक हो रहे है ना हम, हाँ तो write up हमारा तो मर्ज़ी हमारी
वैसे नहाने से हमारा मतलब था की उसे समझने को मिल जाये, तुम का सोचे??

खैर फिल्मो में तुमने आँखें झील जैसी सुनी होंगी,
पर शायद उसकी आँखें समुन्द्र से भी गहरी होंगी, देखने का मौका नहीं मिला वैसे|
गाल गुलाबी नहीं है, सफ़ेद है, और हमारी तुम्हारी तरह pimple भी नहीं है, lolz
बाल भाई काले है,पीछे बैठ नोटिस किया था एक दिन शैम्पू शायद dove लगाती है
इससे ज्यादा डिटेल में अभी नहीं जायेंगे, वरना no ball हो जाएगी

इत्ता ज़रूर कहेंगे की, इन सारे भावों के लिए वो हमारे लिए खुबसूरत है,
चाहे जैसी भी हो ,1 in a million है हमारे लिए

उसकी हर एक हरकत को , ऐसे खो के observe करते है, जैसे
वैज्ञानिक अपनी खोज को, वो समझ लो हमारी खोज ही है, 

और  किसी ने कहा ही है , इश्क एक खोज है,
किसने? sure हम भी नहीं है, नहीं कहा तो चलो हम कहे देते है....

 और लिखने का मन कर रहा है, पर हटो फिर कभी;

वैसे वो कैंटीन में आई, हमें देख के उसने hiii किया

पलट के हमने भी hiii कर दिया, मन तो कर रहा था की हाaaaए.... कर दें

पर भाई थप्पड़ और decoram का डर हमें लकवा मार गया |

चलो चलते हैं अभी, class का time हो रहा है |


incase you missed the the sequence here is link to Part 1

Arms trade treaty Success or still dwindling?

Arms trade treaty under United nations is again in the news, as few more countries joining the bench of ATT's ratified listers, As it seems for now it will passed within a year, if not by the end of 2014.

The Ambitious treaty which some think may act as a strong measure of fighting global illicit arms trade is  still to go through much up's and down's before it passes finally as the some countries are still arguing that it's weak and and full of unbalanced obligation, merely because they too have their own problems with the treaty, but still they are not completely wrong about it.

Countries such as India , china , Russia , Myanmar, SriLanka have shown their dissatisfaction against the treaty by abstaining when the treaty was passed last year and United states still to ratify it reflects the continuing dilemma with the treaty, However each country have it's own share of problems with it.

Arms trade treaty which promises to at least try to prevent diversion of arms for crimes and genocides by curbing illicit trade of conventional firearms , artillery, missiles and ammunition by evaluating the potential arms deal and putting obligation on importer as well as exporter country.

The treaty which is an important milestone in protecting the human rights is been alleged to be imbalance in obligations between arms exporters and importers by the countries who abstained when it was passed,even Pakistan who voted in favor of the treaty have also expressed its concern over it.

Sujata Mehta, India’s Permanent representative to the Geneva Conference of Disarmament during the UNGA session, said “At this stage we are not in a position to endorse the text contained as annexure to document. Therefore, India has abstained on the resolution” contra dictating that it does not explicitly cover predator drones and grenades.
Also India being one of the biggest exporter of arms have problem with ATT's inclination towards obligation of importer countries not different from the reason Pakistan is worried.

United states have passed the treaty in past, yet to be ratified because many senators oppose which is the result of active lobbying by American gun companies not to mention USA, its allies have armed  rebels in Nicaragua, Syria, Libya, even, Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan.
In USA- this ATT treaty yet to be ratified. Many senators oppose it. Why?
  • American Gun Companies don’t like this treaty (after all, they make truckload of cash exporting weapons to rebels and mass-murderers in Africa)
  • (So, as the common sense suggests), they’d have paid suitcases to Senators, to oppose this ratification in US Congress.

Lets see what happens next, but whatever happens will effect the world peace, this way or the other.

Sunday 20 July 2014

(Part 1) *** शुरुआत ***

साथ के लड़कों के साथ,आज जब खड़े क्लास में बतिया रहे थे,
किसी के आने का एह्साह हुआ,तो unconsciously मुड़के देख लिया,
तुमने शायद धयान न दिया हो,पर इतने में यहाँ तो जैसे धरती ने rotation ही बंद कर दिया

एक ही जगह अटकी आँखों में दर्द हुआ तो ध्यान आया की तुम्हे एक तक देखे जा रहा हूँ|
वाह! beautiful, इतना shocked तो केन्या के WC semifinal में पहुचने पे नहीं हुए थे
कल तक तो हम खुद को COOL समझते ही थे, आज अचानक हाथ पाँव ठन्डे पड़ गए
अक्सर ऐसी situation में आशिक के लिए वक़्त भी गुड फ्रेंड बन के रुक जाता है
तो आवाज़ हमनें भी  दे दी,  लेकिन ससुरा यहाँ वक़्त क्या खून भी NFS हो गया|

हमनें सोचा भी, अमें छोड़ो, है तो ये वही रोज़ वाली,बवाल हो जाएगा
पर वही जिद्द,  अपने आप को chuck Norris से कम भी कहाँ समझते हैं, तो ऐसे कैसे ताल देते
२ गाली सुनने की हिम्मत बाँधी, और पूरी शरीर की threshold को तोड़ते हुए, कह दिया
“तुम आज बहुत मस्त लग रही हो, बहुत मस्त”
उम्मीद शायद तुमने भी नहीं की थी,की ये मुआ भी तारीफ़ कर सकता है
नतीजन तुमने Emotions  में  Blush किया और यहाँ गंगोत्री से गंगा निकल पड़ी
अब threshold टूट ही चुका था तो १ नहीं,२ नहीं,5 नहीं
ना जाने कितनी बार क़द्रदानी करते रहे, और तुम इस बेबाकी को हर बार सुन कर मुस्कुराती रही |


stay with me in this and move to Part 2

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Israel - Palestine : The complicated unbiased story

From past couple of weeks the newspaper headlines, the news bulletins and social media platforms are are filled with the some random news of Israels bombing on Palestinians arabs, photos of the women and children and their suffering has become viral and every now and then you can hear people talk about the conflict, its outcomes etc.
In any case of any dispute the best way to reach a concluding remark is to start investigating from past , listening to views of both sides and then decide.So be it

It all started at the time when idea of colonialism began changing into neo-colonialism. United kingdom and France which were the world power in those time had colonies in most of the today's world countries. The result of the first world war was Germany led Central power (also included Austria , Hungry,Ottoman Empire) facing crushing defeat against Allied powers (UK, France, Italy).

This defeat in WWI caused Germany  more than it expected as it was made to sign Treaty of Versailles (click it), which was so much more to ask for.

As a result, Germany suffered from various economic problems, hyperinflation was disastrous for them, it was cheaper to burn currency and cook food than to buy oil to cook food.

The area which is nowadays Israel-Palestine was that time under ottoman empire and after WWI,it went under British rule.

In such time of adversity for Germany, there was a man called Adolf Hitler, who unified Germany and defied the Treaty of Versailles (click it)  and hence people soon started to worshiping Hitler, but the problem was Hitler always believed that JEWS are one to be blamed for all Germany's ailments and he thus started ruthlessly killing Jews, he even committed homicide of Jews.

As a result Jews from all over Hitler's ruled area started migrating to Palestine causing resentment among native Arabs.
 Like nowadays, there were riots, cross fire between both groups which led Britishers handling over the fate of the area to United Nations.

UN advocated dividing the region into two different Arab and Jewish state

This was the time when it all started , soon the Jewish people being organized declared themselves ISRAEL and United states recognized it as a country, Arab failed to do so.
Rest is WAR, Arabs later were united under PLO and then HAMAS.
Not to forgotten Hamas function as terrorist organization

(going with Palestinians, calm your horses , see Israel POV  )

NOW lets see the whole situation from Israel point of view.

Palestinians wants Israel to vanish, most Palestinians and many other Muslim states don't recognize the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish state whereas Israel recognizes the right of Palestinians to have their own state and wants peace since 1947, also as soon as Britishers left the area the armies of all the neighboring state of including Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Jordan and Egypt attacked the one day old state of Israel in order to destroy it,but to world's surprise the Israel survived , then it happened again under the leadership of Egyptians dictator Gamal Abdul Nasser, as a result Israel attacked Egypt and Syria but not Jordan, it instead started requesting Jordan's king not to join war,but he did.
As soon as Jordan attacked Israel, Israel in counter attacked acquired control over Jordanian land specifically "WEST BANK".

War continued as Arabs states declared their famous 3 NO 's " NO recognition , NO peace, NO negotiation,Later Israel in return for peace, gave the captured land of Egypt back to them, it have been always willing to do same negotiations with Palestine, but Palestine replied by sending suicide bomber into Israel .
Meanwhile the radio , television and school books in Palestine remain filled with glorification of terrorists, demonetization of Jews, and filth about Israel.

2  Questions to ask here is?
a) why can't a jewish state of size of New Jersey, or lets say Delhi be allowed to exist ?
b) How many days will Israel survive if it stops fighting?

Also quoting MK Gandhi here

 "Palestine belongs to Arabs, as 
England belongs Britishers , and 
France belongs to french people."

Wednesday 19 February 2014


It's just about a couple of month before we get into the forthcoming loksabha elections . The roars of RAGA, NAMO and AK are souring high and the gossip at tea are turning into a debate. Amidst of this insane pre-election fanaticism the fear which is most likely to become reality as soon as results are out can't be neglected 

The outcome of the forthcoming general elections is unlikely to be very clear, for it is going to be a fractured verdict resulting into yet another unstable coalition built around several political formations, having nothing in common in terms of ideology or political agenda. It's not long ago when we saw the decline of national parties like the Congress and the BJP and the regional parties, formed around factors like caste, region, religion or personality of the leader, became more decisive in government formation. Again the time is same, the stage is set and fear of bad coalition is taking it's form. The problem with a coalition is that since these parties lack a clear national perspective and agenda, the future coalition is unlikely to exhibit any coherence or direction in governance, which again would be a built-in limitation of the government.More the involvement of these regional party increases in national politics more unstable the resulting government would be. BSP, SP, TMC, DMK , AIADMK , SHIV SENA, TDP, NCP , JD(U) , NC-Congress are the old players and will leave no stone unturned when it comes to playing a national role,and  the way AAP rose up to popularity it will be interesting to see what new it brings to the political enthusiasts.We will be witnessing the dirty game of alignment very soon where opposites will come together and provide us another 5 years of great show. However, with all these limitations and prospects of instability, one couldn't argue that  governmental stability will be a casualty.

The Republic of India progressing towards it's general election can only be saved by it's people, if they decide to choose among the available leaders, who does not represent only them but represents the republic as a whole. I'm laughing when i write this because in the nation with so much of diversity ,can people choose some one unanimously. Well psychology tell it's impossible but the history reminds me  it can be done.

Surrendering to this wonderful democracy we have, lets wait for time to tell.

Anurag Tripathi